Fast Track Trading LLC Lawsuit

The Traders Advocacy Coalition (TAC) was created as an advocacy and legal assistance non-profit for traders who have been affected by the Fast Track Trading collapse and closure.

We are fundraising to assist with the legal battle to recoup funds for traders who had their investments in FTT prop accounts, had pending payouts, or were otherwise at a loss when the company closed unexpectedly.

This GoFundMe campaign will turn over all donations directly to the TAC (Traders Advocacy Coalition) 501 C non-profit designated to paying the legal fees for traders affected by the Fast Track Trading closure.

The TAC has retained engagements with the following lead legal counsel to represent those victims:

TAC Lead Counsel:
James L. Koutoulas, Esq.
Koutoulas Law, LLC

TAC Financial Advisory Counsel:
Lowenstein Sander